Tuesday 26 April 2011


British youth, much like American youth, form their lives around schooling. As attending University becomes more of an expectation it is becoming a necessary part of a young person’s life. The recent budget cuts in education and tuition increases have threatened the future careers and livelihoods of youth. This has caused great tension and unrest in students and young people all over England. The results are mass riots and protests, which proves that part of British youth culture is the willingness to stand for their futures and against social injustice. Class warfare has always been present among the youth, especially those of the working class or those that are students. Therefore, education, social change, and the structure of economic class are directly linked. The pictures above features Imperial College because it proves to be a significant institution with a full-time student base of 13,019 from 158 countries. These photos also include students as they enjoy their campus and socialize on the Queen’s Lawn. The final photo includes two young children who sit outside of the Science Museum eating lunch. It is obvious that they are students that perhaps are attending the museum on a school trip or for some knowledgeable gain. In a city where museums are free of charge students can take advantage of a multidimensional education.

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