Tuesday 26 April 2011


Sports are a significant part of youth cultures both as a form of self-expression and stress relief. In these photos a variety of sports are featured including boat races, tennis, basketball, and soccer/football. Many officials and sociologists also believe that sports can steer young people away from drugs and crime by giving them a healthier outlet. As a result, youth centers are featuring sports and a traveling stadium is making its way across the country to target inner city youth. Not only do British youth partake in the physical aspects of sports but they also intensely participate in the spectator portion as well. Allegiance to a specific team creates a unity among young people as well as a culture that includes celebration, drinking, and outfits and makeup to honor their team. Young people, but especially young men, can be seen celebrating in train stations with beer, chanting traditional fight songs, and dressed in a similar eclectic manner after a victory for their team. Significant sporting events also lure people who aren’t die-hard fans such as the Cambridge and Oxford boat race, which then creates a larger community event.

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