Tuesday 26 April 2011

Fashion & Technology



Large elements of youth culture are the quick advancement in technology and variety of fashion. Young people are the primary users as well as the future creators of new technology. At any point in time or place you can see young people using computers, blackberries, cell phones, IPhones, IPods, Kindles, Ipads and laptops. All of these items keep them connected nationally and globally at all times. It allows the effortless sharing of ideas, art, humor, gossip, and critique. As a young person myself I can admit that without my cell phone or laptop I would feel lost or stranded without a means of communicating. The Internet has become such a vital part of life as a young person that new careers and businesses are emerging to take advantage of this sort of obsession and to advance it even further. Facebook and YouTube are primary examples of this. If you walk into a room of just young people it is almost a guarantee that at least one of them will be on their phones or on the their computers accessing the internet. The Internet and technology have also found their way into the fashion and shopping worlds. With the growth of online shopping and advertisement young people can more easily access new trends and clothing styles. A wide range of fashion is available ranging from bohemian, preppy or posh, and skater, to hip-hop and goth. This is not only a form of self-expression but also a means of identifying with a specific group of people that dress in a similar manner. Fashion is a primary element of youth culture and the base of spectacular youth subculture.

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