Tuesday 26 April 2011


Religion has proven to be a growing influence in youth culture. It often defines their morals, attitudes, opinions, and goals. With the growing population of Islam in London, due to immigration as well as religious conversion, there have been more and more young women wearing the traditional garb. This can range from headscarves to the full burka. It has been very interesting for me to see as an American woman who has grown up in an area where this religion is not very common. There is a mix between headscarves and modern trendy clothing that reflects the desire of young people to mix their religion with their culture. Traditional conservative clothing specific to Hasidic Jews are also very common. Other religions make themselves known in young people through church attendance and representative jewelry. Divisions in youth subcultures can also be attributed to religion. The three pictures above display Islam, Judaism, and Catholicism through the women wearing headscarves, children wearing conservative clothing, and a church.

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